Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stress test Online

I felt that i was suffering from a stress recently, and so I decided to check online if I am really suffering stress (anxiety) or depression. Upon finishing the online stress test, I was able to found out that I am suffering an anxiety and you can find the result below. You can also try it yourself by going to the website

 Mainmenu > The PcE-Trainer > Application > Joy of Life instead Depressions
Stress Type Test (Online-Test)discover if you suffer from depressions or anxieties
Stess Type Dominance Graphic:


You are a person with a sympathetic nervous system.
This means that stress causes you to react with extreme excitement:
  • The blood vessels constrict
  • The pulse is too fast 
  • The muscles tense up
  • The glands get more activated
  • Stress hormones are released (adrenalin rush)
You could easily get anxiety attacks, not depressions.

Below is from a different stress test online, which I took after the latter. You can also try this on the website

Overall Score
This score is a measure of overall emotional well-being. Your score is 3.67 on a range of 1 to 5. A higher score indicates that you are more well-adjusted. Your score indicates that you are similar to people who report that they have benefited from short-term counseling with a professional counselor.

 People who are severely stressed and may benefit from intesive help (average = 2.99)
 People who report receiving benefit from outpatient counseling (average = 3.19)
 People who report receiving benefit from short-term counseling from a professional counselor (average = 3.65)
 People who are functioning well and don't feel they need professional counseling (average = 4.17)

Quality of Life Score
This is a measure of how happy or satisfied you are with your life, including overall self-esteem, health, friends and family, and work or school. Your score is 3.9 on a range of 1 to 5. A higher score indicates that you are more well-adjusted.

 People who are severely stressed and may benefit from intesive help (average = 2.92)
 People who report receiving benefit from outpatient counseling (average = 2.98)
 People who report receiving benefit from short-term counseling from a professional counselor (average = 3.52)
 People who are functioning well and don't feel they need professional counseling (average = 3.93)

Symptom Distress Score
This score measures your symptoms of depression, anxiety, and hostility. Your score is 2.78 on a range of 1 to 5. A higher score indicates that you are more well-adjusted.

 People who are severely stressed and may benefit from intesive help (average = 2.75)
 People who report receiving benefit from outpatient counseling (average = 3.04)
 People who report receiving benefit from short-term counseling from a professional counselor (average = 3.50)
 People who are functioning well and don't feel they need professional counseling (average = 4.24)

Level of Functioning Score
This is a measure of how well you are able to get along in the community. Your score is 4.38 on a range of 1 to 5. A higher score indicates that you are more well-adjusted.

 People who are severely stressed and may benefit from intesive help (average = 3.32)
 People who report receiving benefit from outpatient counseling (average = 3.61)
 People who report receiving benefit from short-term counseling from a professional counselor (average = 3.99)
 People who are functioning well and don't feel they need professional counseling (average = 4.32)

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