Thursday, April 1, 2010


As I was scanning the photos online and i saw this photo of someone i knew, actually not someone i really knew personally. Let me say, an acquaintance. Then suddenly it came into my mind how hideous people are, not everyone, what i mean is that, cheaters. Why would they hell cheat himself when he knows who he is and what he really wants.

There was a time, when i saw this other person, he was a batch mate of mine in the university of high achievements. He was totally not the so kind of typical normal guy, he had been into the boundary of confusion, and i knew he was different. When i saw him the other time this year, there it was, the girl was almost leeching his body, as if there will be no tomorrow, without knowing that his boyfriend has a boyfriend, and there was this other classmate of mine, where when we were in secondary years, he was not the closet typical guy, he was really, shall i say in a colorful world of another dimension. But then, i just found out, when we met in the city, i was shocked, he was so He-man, but of course you will know that he was just pretending. And i really felt sorry for him and this blind females for staying in that relationship, without even noticing that their man is in love with Adam. What is wrong with these women in this planet, are they really afraid that they will get old single and unhappy, or they just want to have someone with them to call boyfriend. And why is that other people can see the defects of their friends boyfriend and they could not. Afraid of rejection or maybe they are too ugly to find another boyfriend and instead stick to the handsome boyfriend, but having hidden agenda. Life is politics ladies, and life is full of secrets, you think you know all, but you are wrong. Mysteries can only be unfolded once the person who throw the dust of magic of furtiveness will be the one to reveal it. Mysteries will always be a mystery.

Anyway, that was just my opinions, that suddenly came into my mind when i saw the picture of this person. I felt sorry for her. I know that people should be given a chance to change, but drastically, i think it will not happen. It is them, and no one can trim them down. If the person can change them, it will not last, they will always be what they are. Like an ant, no matter how you train them to be a termite, they will always be an ant.

Anyway, i am watching Planet 51 right now, and it is a fun 3d animation. I love it, maybe people should watch this one, so that they would learn how to identify their true self.


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