Friday, April 9, 2010

Korean Novela

7th April 2010

Actually, this is not Korean novela, but this would be all about the dinner set by Coning. Remember this dinner was free of charge. I was supposedly to meet Tigi in Sm at around 5.00 p.m and then she texted me that we will meet instead at 5.20 pm., i did not reply since i did not have any credits on my phone. So i picked up Ising's sister-in-law and nieces in Mansilingan, then i hurriedly cooked for the initial ingredients of the chicken tinola. Then, i told Ising to tell his relative to continue the cooking of my tinola. So when i checked my phone, there was one miscalled from Tigi and a bunch of messages, i really forgot that i left my phone inside the car. So, i texted Tigi back, sine she transferred a two pesos credit from her phone to my phone. I texted her that we will be going to SM now.

When we arrived in Sm, we waited for her in front of Sun Cellular branch outlet. At that time i felt dizzy and i really did not knew what was wrong with me. Tigi arrived, and then we took a cab, Tigi paid for the fare, what a rich tiny insect. So we arrived in Aboy's, it is a restaurant located in the area of Golden field (the entertainment center of the city). Ising and Tigi were both hungry and so both of them were pushing each other if who will be the one to tell coning if what to order first. So, there it goes, Tigi and Ising, talked to Coning, and Coning told them that they can order ahead. They both stood up and look for the foods, but then they came back with the words and type of foods in the top bench. I think, they were able to order foods that they wanted when it was 5 minutes before Coning and her students arrived.

When i went out from the toilet room, i saw Tigi, talking to Coning and some Korean people, i did not knew which one was Coning students. Everybody sat in the long table, with almost 15 chairs or maybe it was 16 chairs and the table was covered with different Filipino cuisines and Philippine made soft soda. Coning, started introducing her students and friends to us (Ising,Tigi and I), Coning told us that we need to memorize all their names, but sorry, i was not able to hold any names when Coning introduced all her Korean friends. Maybe i was not very attentive and i hate memorizing their names since i find it hard to memorized. We started eating, and then this guy, Sun (Ji Hoo), started talking together with this Street fighter name Ken, to me. At first, i had honestly hard time listening to them, but then when things went smoothly and i learned that i should use very basic English, things went well. What amuses me was that, when Sun told us that, our pancit canton which is named extra spicy is not that spicier. So i told him that it would be spicier if you were going to add this little chili pepper, i told him you can have this, and i really did not expect that he would ate it. Tigi, Ising and I were staring at him, and then he slowly told us that it was spicy and "i hate you, i hate you" (of course in a funny way, not that serious).

There was another thing that i was confused, Sun asked me if what was my international age. Honestly, i really did not knew what they mean, since there was no such thing as international age, but i only knew that Chinese has different calendar age as what my uncle told me. So i assumed that they mean, how old i am, so i said i am 28 years old, suddenly Sun told me that Oh we were both 28, you are my brother and then he said something in Korean, which of course i forgot what it was. We had a usual conversation of knowing the stranger, then Gu Jun Pyu (Hanzel) sat beside Ji hoo and they were making a joke, that where was his Gretel, it was Jun Pyu that asked us, then i pointed Jan Di (tigi) that she was the Gretel (LOLZ).

Things need to end, conversation need to be end up, since most of us need to go home before 10 o'clock in the evening. So we got separated by time and place again.

It was a nice dinner with a foreign person, at least, i learned that Asian people are much fun to be with than Caucasian, just a perception. Because, we can have simple jokes, and we could understand each other, divided by culture and beliefs, but somehow connected with simple communication. And also, i noted that, although Asians were that old or in their 20's, they can still have fun like teenagers.

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