Monday, July 20, 2009


My sister gave me a ring last July 16 and 17 of 2009. She asked me to look for some fridge that was frost free and a dining table. It would be her surprised gift to our mom, since my mom really wanted to have new things in our house. But i would definitely agree to change the old dining table of our since, it was too old and i don't like the chairs surrounding it.

My mom asked me if what did we (my sister and i) talked about but, i never told her, i just said to her "secret". My mom who can not resist to ask me of course told me that is it a new car. With a very wide smiling face like that of a clown. I told her that in your dreams, and also it was too expensive to buy a new car.

Actually we do have another surprised for her on her b-day but she knew it, because the phone was on loud speaker and she heard it that we will have an eat all you can treat for her.

Oh well, one revelation of secret is enough, hehehe the other two would be between me and my sister.

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