Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Movie Time

After our visit in the cemetery with my mom at around 5:00 in the afternoon of July 19,2009, we went to SM city, one of the biggest mall in the city and had our dinner in KFC, but actually it was not a dinner since we only had chicken burger and chips.

After KFC, my mom told me that we will watch movie, so we were choosing between Harry Potter and Ice Age the dawn of the dinosaurs. So i told her that it would be better to watch Ice Age since it would be so fun and according to Venus, HP does not have a good story.

So we went inside the cinema at around 6.35 pm and we sat in the first row in the balcony and we were watching the 15 minutes movies of ice age that was about to end. So we waited for 15 minutes for the ice age to resume and there were so many nice trailers like toy story 3, g-force and the other one which i forgot.

As we were watching, the story was really interesting, but what got me was that when they (the mammoths and its herd) were about to cross the cliff, they were so scared, so the lady mammoth was the first one to cross together with the new guy which i forgot the name again. Then after that the husband mammoth and the rest of the gang. In the middle of that thing where the new guy was pulling, it was stocked in the middle of the greenish smoke, some kind of a laughing gas which had a helium component. So the two cute thing can't resist of holding it's breath so they breath so hard and thinking that they would die, but they did not, instead they had this very small voices like that of a chipmunks and started to laugh with each other while the husband mammoth and the tiger (or sabertooth) were still holding it's breath and they were laughing at them. I laugh so hard that i would shout out and really laugh out, but of course i tried to hold it. I tried to laugh really hard until they were gone from that smoke.

I really loved the movie and it made me laugh so hard, as if i am a kid.

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