Ising and I went to SM, for the reason that i need to buy something in there, which i forget now what it was. I need to have some money, since i do not carry enough money in my pocket and wallet all the time. So we went to the ATM inside SM City-Bacolod, it was in the department store where i intended to withdraw, for there were only few people withdrawing in that machine. There were a couple in front of us when we reached the machine, the lady was winging something, that her savings card was debited with certain amount of money but was not able to get a single note. So it was our turn, when i inserted my card, everything went smooth, and nothing happens, i was not able to withdrew any money at all since it can not dispense money at the moment. We transferred in another machine, which was beside the SM appliances, not that long distance. There were so many people lining up and so i joined them. While in the line, i was always winging of course that why there were some people who were so slow when they get money in the machine, which i really hate, maybe i am just so impulsive, which i believe i am. While standing outside the booth, i saw my summer fling, (laughing), geeh, people changed, but my fling was able to noticed me and so do i. Anyway let's get back to the topic, it was my turn, i went in front of the machine and then inserted my card as requested and then my PIN and the amount I wanted to withdraw. However, there was something unusual that happened, the machine took so long to dispense my money, so i was worried, and there were little icons at the bottom that keeps on blinking, there it was the machine spitted out my card and no money came out, so i checked my balance and the bank took my money, i mean the machine did took my money. SO! i panicked and i hurriedly went to the bank together with Ising since it would be nearly 6.00 pm and the bank closes in the mall at 7.00 pm. I approached the lady her nick was Dimple and i told her that there was no money that was dispensed in the machine but i was deducted. The lady told me that she will call their main-Manila and asked me to tell the phone operator that i had debit without dispense, which what i did and the guy gave me a reference number, it was a nine digit numbers and assured me that my money will be credited back with in five days, but there was a BUT, which i hate also, but if it was not credited back, just call them again and give the reference number. Since i believe that Banks should be more professional and credible, i waited for five days and i always checked my account online. After five days there were no credited money, so i went to the bank again and again it was dimple, and she told me to give the reference number to the phone operator. SO this time, the lady gave me an exact date that my money will be credited back on the 20th of June before 6.00 pm. So thank God it had a date, but then i checked it on June 20, the money was not in there and Ising told me that, don't you realize that 20th of June is Sunday? (I laughed). But my money was credited back and i was so happy.
This is my “Story” © 2010 J.J.L.C (previously known as C.GT)
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